Saturday 23 August 2008

My Tool Case

This is strictly for tool 'nerds', of which, I believe, there are plenty.

I have had most of these tools since the 70's when I completed my training in London. A woman came into The Piano Workshop, which was then on Fleet Road, Hampstead and asked if we would like to have her deceased husbands piano tech tools "yes pleeease" was the chorus of replies. As soon as she closed the door behind herself a disgraceful scrum ensued. I must admit I was pleased with my haul of a handful of ancient tools, some I have dated back to pre-1880's, when Buck & Ryans, tool suppliers,Tottenham Court Road, were simply called Buck.

I have tried new tools and have had to return them to the suppliers, slipping handles, poor steel, etc.
I rarely use power tools, sometimes to drill a hole, or polish ivory keys and can more-or-less rebuild a piano from this collection of hand tools.
On the right I have laid out the tools needed for tuning only, I could almost fit them in my back pocket! But I rarely visit an instrument that doesn't need a little adjustment here and there.
I live in fear that someone would break into my car and steal these tools, as they would have no use for them, except perhaps a screwdriver, pliers and a small hammer. The rest would probably get thrown over a wall as useless! Fortunately this is a rare occurrence in this part of Suffolk.
I hope you found this chapter interesting, especially all you other tool 'nerds' out there.